§ 1 League Matches:
You have to absolve your Matches in the Time frame of the Matchdays (1 Week)
If your team can't absolve the game you have to postpone it in Postpone Match board.
§ 2 Postponed Matches:
You have to absolve your postponed matches in one week after the offical matchday week has been over. so 1.10.-7.10. -> wildcard -> repeat match:
§ Teams:
Every Team could include a maximum of 6 Players.
Two players are only allowed to play.
§ 5 Match Settings:
4 x 3 Minutes (4 halftimes)
During the 4 halftimes, you could use a Timeout for your team from 15 seconds.
Sub ins:
Only in the breaks (after 3,6,9 mins). As many and as often as you want.
If you win a match , you get 2 points.
if you play the game draw, you get 1 Point.
If you lose, no points.
§ 6 Results:
You have to post/send the result right in Forum.
Use the "How to post a Result?" Thread to see how you have to post it.
§ 7 Wildcards:
Every Team has 3 Wildcards during the seasson.
Match rules:
1 def rule:
Only 1 player of a team may defend in the own square. It prevents that a team that has 1 goal more just camps in defense and block the basket.
inside the red square only 1 def player allowed.
holding x:
it prevents that players in defense or in edges hold x all time so that a tackle takes too long.
so suggestion: holding x only allowed for 3 seconds. after that you have to stop holding x for at least 2 seconds.
Blocking basket:
you are not allowed to block the basket for any second.
don't be behind the red lines !
1) if a team disrespect any match rule, other team has 2 freekicks (game restarted and 2 kicks from mid, it is possible to score from mid). referee has to remember time before game restart, and then add it.
E.g.: foul , time was 2.30 -> game restart, 2 freekicks , after that 30 secs remaining.
2) if a player disrespects the 3rd time in a match, he is put out by the referee for 30 secs. sub ins for him are not allowed of course. the 30 secs also continue if there is the next 3 mins.