1.) 1 def rule:
Only 1 player of a team may defend in the own square. It prevents that a team that has 1 goal more just camps in defense and block the basket.
inside the red square only 1 def player allowed.
2.) holding x:
like there is a step rule we could add this. it prevents that players in defense or in edges hold x all time so that a tackle takes too long.
so suggestion: holding x only allowed for 2-3 seconds. after that you have to stop holding x for at least 1-2 seconds.
1) if a team disrespect rule 1 or 2, other team has 2 freekicks (game restarted and 2 kicks from mid, it is possible to score from mid). referee has to remember time before game restart, and then add it.
E.g.: foul , time was 2.30 -> game restart, 2 freekicks , after that 30 secs remaining.
2) if a player disrespects the 3rd time in a match, he is put out by the referee for 30 secs.