1. size of league:
A league consists of 5-12 players.
2. mode of tournament:
Each player plays vs each other player in 1v1 mode. There is a 1st and a 2nd half of the season.
3. scores:
3.1: That player wins who scored most goals, see 3.2 for details.
Win gives 3 points, draw 1 point, loss 0 points.
Placement in standings works in the following way:
First higher amount of points is decisive. (E.g.: 6 Pts > 5 Pts).
At same amounts, better goal difference is decisive.
If that’s same too, better amount of scored goals is decisive.
If that’s same too, head-to-head record is decisive.
If it is still draw after this, there will be 2 deciding matches, in which each player may start 1 time.
3.2: Each ball, that is reaching the blue-rimmed circle, counts.
Each circle gives different goals:
blue: 25 goals
white: 50 goals
red: 100 goals
centre: 150 goals
If a ball touches 2 circles, only that circle counts, in which the ball is mostly.
Exception: If a ball touches blue and out (that’s anything outside the blue-rimmed circle), it gives 25 pts, as long as it touches minimally blue. Here it isn't enough that the black pixels of the ball touches the black pixels of the circle. It is necessary that the volume of the ball touches the blue.
--> 25 pts= if inside the blue: between the black line of the ball and the black line of the circle has to be seen the colour of the ball.
4. game rules:
The referee hosts, if not both players agree to any other host.
Red player starts.
After his playing his first ball, it is the turn of the blue player, then again red’s turn and so on.
You may only start playing your ball, when ALL other balls are still.
During the kick of the other player, the opponent has to be calm, especially he isn’t allowed to touch the other player, to stand in his way or to irritate him in any other way.
If a player contravenes this rule, he gets – according to the referee’s discretion - 50 minus points, he isn’t allowed to play 1-3 of his balls, or he gets a deflose in the amount of 0-125 (only if he blocked or touched the other player at whose last 2 balls).
If a player leaves the match before it is ready and if he doesn’t come back in a decent time or without an explanation to the referee, the other player may play his remaining balls which will all count as regularly kicked balls; unless the other player has more than 2 remaining balls. In this case this game will be counted as a defloss in the amount of 0-125.
That player who left a match explained above 2 times in a season, will be taken out of the running season and isn’t allowed to participate in the next season.
If at least 1 player has a ping of more than 250, the match can not be started/continued.
If one player or both players has/have distinct lags or spikes during the match, one of the players may demand that another host has to be found. He can show that with screenshots if necessary. If no decent host can be found, the referee has to close the match and the match has to be repeated, if not both players agree to play the match with yet acceptable pings (max. 250 ping).
A ball that does not pass the 2nd red line (it is ok when it is mainly overhead) will be taken out of the game by the referee.
5. season rules:
5.1: Basically all matches of a matchday will be carried out before a new matchday begins. That’s why because of reasons of equal opportunities and of tension in the league.
5.2: Each match has to be played within the timeframe exposed at the website.
If this hasn’t been done, that player gets a defloss who prevented the match because of his
inactivity or because of his any other behaviour.
(Defloss only means he gets 1 penalty point, it doesn't give a win or points to the other player.)
He may repeat this match later within decent time.
If both players prevent the match likewise, the match will be repeated too.
That player, who prevented a match 3 times in a season, will be taken out of the running season
and isn’t allowed to participate in the next season.
Exception: Each player has 5 so called wildcards, that means he may defer 5 matches in a season by telling that at the website latest during the relevant timeframe.
Using wildcards is not allowed for the last matchday.
5.3: To hold a match both players and the referee has to find an exact date and an exact time and send this at the website.
5.4: A match without referee is not valid. If no referee is online and players urgently need to play the match, they may play without referee. In that case they have to record the match and send the record file at the website, there both players have to confirm that they played in the record file.
5.5: Each match will be recorded by the referee.
5.6: About any interpretation of these rules the referee decides.
5.7: If a player is not confident with a decision of the refere, he may say so after the match and then the match will be reviewed by other referees using the rec-file.
5.8: If no admin is online: The match result including the rec-file will be sent to the website by the referee immediately after the match.