savi has suggested some changes, not sure if also for confetti. But before we come to this, the
existing rules so far:
takeout = you kick a ball of other player (that was in points area) into out.
Own-takeout= you kick your ball against another of your own balls which goes into out then
I've always interpreted these rules like that: It has to be direct kicks/contacts which means:
for takeout:
Blue player kicks blue ball 1:
a) blue ball 1 touches red ball 1. red ball 1 goes out. That's a takeout.
b) blue ball 1 touches blue ball 2, blue ball 2 touches red ball 1, red ball 1 goes into out. No takeout because no direct contact.
c) blue ball 1 touches red ball 1, red ball 1 touches red ball 2, red ball 2 goes into out. No takeout because no direct contact.
This is the same for own-takeouts.
Only own-takeout, when blue ball 1 touches blue ball 2 and blue ball 2 goes into out (blue ball 2 may touch other balls and bring them into out too). this is just 1 own-takeout.
Savi's suggestions:
"Your shot -> afterwards is an opponents ball out that was not out before? -> TO. Is any of your own balls out that was not out before? Own takeout"
So this includes indirect contacts, e.g. case b) and c) above are TOs then.
Arguments for savi's idea:
Easy to judge/count.
Arguments for rule above:
- There are awards for most TOs. The awards should go to players who (most mostly) intentionally did a takeout. At our niveau in most cases only direct contacts are intentional.
-> argument against: indirect contacts (b)/c)) can be intentional anyway.
-> argument against: ofc they can be intentional but mostly not. To make a drastic example, if you just powershot into mid with full force and randomly many balls fly out, then you get randomly takeouts/ownTos.
ofc in each game luck/random can influence game stats but imo it would be better to give award to precise takeout-players than to players who just (always) full power into bunch of balls and (luckily) take some balls out.
Details: In any case we agree, that the ball that was kicked (in example blue ball 1) itself can be a TO or OwnTO, right?
Just add your thoughts.